Turnkey Instruments

What our customers say about us:


Live Air Monitoring & Text Alerting

The equipment we installed was from a company \”Turnkey Instruments Ltd\” in the UK. We chose their equipment because the equipment calibration is traceable under the UK MCERTS, which is the UK\’s Environment Agency of England & Wales (EA) Monitoring Certification Scheme.

The equipment is fairly simple to install. It just requires an electricity supply and a connection to broadband

We hope to install equipment at Gorey this year also.

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Brendan Cooney, Senior Executive Scientist, Environment Section, Wexford County Council
Osiris & Topas Units

Dublin City Council Traffic Noise & Air Quality Unit have two Osiris units and three Topas units which we have used on the Dublin Port Tunnel project for the past eleven years. The units were placed out on site in all weather conditions and have never let us down. The only thing we had to do was download the units and make sure power was available on site. We would have the units serviced by Turnkey Instruments Ltd yearly. The service department were very helpful with any questions that I had about software updates for the AirQ32 software that we used to download the units. The AirQ32 software is simple to use and allows you to export the data downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet.

Thomas Byrne, Technical Support Officer, Traffic Noise & Air Quality Unit, Dublin City Council
Osiris Dust Monitoring

SITA UK Environment Department have used the above equipment on many of its active landfill sites throughout the UK since the introduction of Environment Permits (PPC). They have performed well under all types of inclement weather, and have produced the neccessary data required to fulfil the permit monitoring requirements as stipulated by the Environment Agency (EA). The mechanical/electrical service is first class and the quality of downloaded data is easy to understand and delivered promptly as agreed.

Tommy Johnson, Regional Closed Landfill and Environment Manager North, SITA UK
Environmental Monitoring with Osiris

The Environmental Protection Section purchased two MCERTS Osiris units in the spring of 2013, which have proved most satisfactory for online monitoring and easily downloadable data. One fault was dealt with promptly and we required a further older machine to be refurbished and brought back into service, which was done by return. The units are easy to relocate without the need for an engineer to be called out and need very little attention when operating. The AirQ32 software and Android App both work well.

Geoff Newcombe, Environmental Protection Manager, Local Services, Northumberland County Council
Topas Data Collection

We have been using Topas dust monitors for over 15 years and they remain our monitor of choice due to their reliability with data collection, and especially with the new AirQWeb service which provides a significant improvement in automation through the flexibility of their email alert system.

Martin Bahlaj, Environment Manager, UK Coal Surface Mines Ltd
BrakeSafe Brake Testing

We have been a distributor for Turnkey\’s BrakeSafe for a while now, and with the advent of greater acceptance in the past couple of years the truck, crane, agricultural and plant companies are beginning to see the benefit of brake testing to a VOSA approved standard. The recent changes within CPA guidelines have seen crane operators being made more aware of the need to brake test, making them more compliant with VOSA, HSE and insurance bodies. The adjustments to braking and weight values for trailer brake testing are a huge bonus for haulage operators who don\’t have rolling road facilities on site or nearby. Testing with Turnkey BrakeSafe is a money saver on workshop and travel time alone.

George McPherson, Dingbro / Taylor\’s Auto Electrical