Turnkey Instruments


The Topas is a fixed station monitor and is housed in a small, lockable unit which can be wall mounted in a convenient location on site.

Topas stands for Turnkey Optical Particle Analysis System. Designed to continuously record environmental TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 particles, it offers a comprehensive testing and monitoring solution for construction sites, manufacturing sites and industrial operations, as well as local authorities and other organisations. The Topas has been Environment Agency MCERTS certified so users are guaranteed reliable and accurate recording of PM10 and PM2.5 data. It is straightforward to use, can be easily wall mounted, and all controls and displays are located behind the lockable door.
  • Continuous, on-site air quality measurement
  • Inputs for wind speed, direction, traffic counters, gas sensors, sound meters
  • Reference filter for gravimetric callibration

Product Description

One fixed Topas station monitor can be used in a specific location. Or multiple sites can be networked together to provide a complete monitoring system, to measure and record data for an entire organisation with different locations or a wider geographical area.

Different locations can be connected by radio, telephone, internet connection or fixed wiring, and for remote locations radio or GSM modems.

How it Works

The Topas, along with our other airborne particle monitors, works using Turnkey’s specially developed nephelometer. Air samples are continuously drawn through the nephelometer which analyses individual particles as they pass through a laser beam. The particles are then collected on the reference filter. The nephelometer’s microprocessor has the capacity to analyse individual particles even if there are millions of particles per litre.

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